Thursday, February 19, 2015

love, MACK

want to know what i miss? letters. long, thought-out, handwritten letters. we've had all sorts of technological advances throughout the years and that's fine. i just miss actual letters. taking the time to physically write out every word used to mean something. there's something about having a piece of paper that you can save and touch and open again just because you want to visit an old memory. like those notes we used to pass around in elementary school. i miss that.

maybe i've just been watching too much pride and prejudice.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

round three

i should really be so much better at this than i am. i'm horrible at keeping a journal but this method seems to work for me -at least it has in the past- so here we go again. i know we're all so excited. while we're on the topic of things i am horrible at, here's a list (big fan) of all things i want to improve upon:

feel free to hold me accountable.

+ waking up at an acceptable hour of the day

+ reinstating baking as a daily -okay weekly- staple at my place

+ discovering hidden hobbies

+ crafting

+ writing mission friends ACTUAL HANDWRITTEN LETTERS ... because missionaries die for that sort of thing

okay, five seems like a good number, lets stop there.

welcome back (: