I've been thinking a lot lately about how the Lord uses us to accomplish His purposes. In my Book of Mormon class up here at lovely BYU-I, we read an article about Joseph Smith translating the Book of Mormon. How he did it, what was involved, basically everything there is to know about that subject. At one point in the article, it mentioned the instruments that he used in order to translate the gold plates from their reformed Egyptian into English.
The Lord provides ways for His purposes to come to pass. In this instance of translating the Book of Mormon, tools were provided to assist Joseph. Of course, it was all done by the power of God. Joseph a huge part to play and we, the rest of God's children, have a part to play as well.
There was a time while Joseph was translating the record that he entrusted a portion of it (the record) to his friend, Martin Harris, who wanted to show the manuscript to his wife. Martin then lost the manuscript as it was written so far. For this, Joseph was rebuked by the Lord, as he had petitioned the Lord multiple times for permission to give this portion to Martin Harris. The first couple of times, the Lord told him no. Joseph continued to ask, and so the Lord let him give it to Martin. In this was a valuable lesson. After the manuscript was lost, Joseph's ability to translate was revoked for a time. The Lord would use him to accomplish His purposes but only if Joseph would abide by the Lord's purpose for the Book of Mormon. This wasn't something that he didn't really already know. Before even obtaining the plates, he was told by the angel Moroni that if he showed the plates to any but those whom the Lord commanded him to show them, he would be destroyed. Joseph learned a lesson from this experience of the record being lost. He needed to have his eye "single to His glory," and after a period of time, Joseph was again able to translate.
Now, not all of us are called upon by God to translate an ancient record but He does call us to His work. And just as He provided tools to help Joseph, He provides us with what we need in order to do our part. By extension, we also become tools in His hands. God's purpose is "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39). There have been many times, particularly on my mission, where the Lord used me to help another of His children. There are also many times every day where He uses me to bless others and help them. This is a more small-scale example of accomplishing the Lord's purpose but it is no less important. Heavenly Father wants all of His children to return to Him, and us helping each other moves us along in that direction. I've noticed that when I'm not willing to help, the Lord will use someone else. If I don't have His purpose in mind, I can't see the bigger picture as easily. I'm blinded to what I want. But when I am willing to help Him, that is when I witness miracles all around me.
I have been given gifts and talents from God that I am to use to help others. My musical ability is one example. I've always been more of a natural when it comes to music, and over the years, I've shared my music at church meetings, functions, and other venues. Those who hear my music are able to feel the Spirit. A less obvious example might be my ability to listen. As a more reserved personality, I spend a lot of my time around others just listening. It has helped me to be very aware of what is going on around me and of how people are feeling. Many times I have listened as someone poured out their heart and when they are finished, they tell me something like, "Thanks for listening, that's all I really needed." In some cases, I've been able to lend advice and help when they need it because I've taken the time to understand them. These are two examples of gifts God has blessed me with from the beginning. What I find more interesting are the gifts He gives me in the moment I need them, and also the gifts I'm given after hard work. We can always acquire different gifts from God than the ones we've had all our lives. I've developed different skills lately that I didn't necessarily need earlier in my life. It is so amazing how God endows us with power when it is needed. He gives us what we need so we can help someone else. It's always incredible when I walk away from a situation and realize, sometimes after a long while, that God had put me there at the right time for a reason.
The scriptures are full of instances where someone is in the right place at the right time, placed there by God. One example is in the Book of Mormon in 1 Nephi 4:6-29. In this passage, Nephi is trying to get the brass plates which the Lord commanded he and his brothers retrieve from Laban. He is led into Laban's house by the Spirit and doesn't know what he's going to do in order to get the brass plates. When he walks in, he finds Laban, drunk and passed out on the ground. Nephi is then told by the Spirit to kill Laban, which he does. When he puts on Laban's clothes, Laban's servants think Nephi is Laban and he is able to obtain the plates. To me, this example outlines perfectly how the Lord uses us to accomplish His purposes.
The Lord will use us as His hands if we are willing and worthy. Joseph Smith learned that lesson early on. I have learned that lesson for myself also. It's an amazing thing to be a part of and to play a role in God's plan.
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