Wednesday, November 18, 2015

for when things go wrong

life really isn't all that fun sometimes. that's not so surprising, everybody realizes that, i think. but we get into this funk where we think that everyone else's lives are perfect, and ours is just... not. glancing through social media, i can see where that idea comes from. people post pictures of themselves on vacation - ("soaking up the sun for dayssss"), at parties, at cutsie cupcake shops. it seems like this is literally all i am seeing from followers and network friends. i don't think we only get the idea from social media though - everyone around us has become adept at putting on a happy face when they are unhappy, and we believe it. every time. because we'd like it to be true. and sometimes it's a real struggle, to me, to feel like i have to keep up.

the honest truth is that nobody's life is that fabulous all the time. perhaps everyone really does know this and that is why we all try to make it look like life is grand. nobody wants to focus on the not so smooth aspects of anything. but friends, things go wrong all the time. there are good times, but it's ok to accept that things don't - and won't - constantly happen the way we think they should. so what are we doing when that happens?

i know how tough life can be. it knocks you down, picks you up, then knocks you down again. some days it is unbearable. it's hard to see the light at times and i even have to force myself to see it every once in a while. but i have to believe that there is hope. i have to believe that things will get better, with some effort. if i don't, my world might just completely fall to pieces around me.

so why don't we start by letting someone in? we need to be there for each other. after all, we really aren't that different. we all understand pain and sadness, we all want to be happy and joyful. most of all, the Savior of the world understands this. so why not help each other get there? the person next to you, at some point during their life, has stood where you are standing, or will soon stand there. we are not here to walk alone. and if nobody else will walk with you, Christ will.

"Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God." - 2 Corinthians 1:4

also look over my previous blog post, here

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